I Am The Door


 “I Am the Door”

-John 10:9

All of the beautiful stained-glass windows portray great biblical messages, but this is my favorite. Jesus says, “I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.” (John 10:9). In Jesus’ day, sheep were gathered into a communal fold in the evening. The door or gate kept them from wandering and kept them safe from predators. Shepherds in the hills would find natural sheep folds within walls created from the rocks. They would lie across the opening and become the door to keep the sheep safe from predators.  

When I enter through the door, I see who and what God is like. Jesus invites us to a wonderful life here, no matter what we go thru, and also eternal life with Him. We become part of His fold, and He will never leave us, nor forsake us.  

There are two other scriptures in this beautiful window: the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:29-37), and the Healing of a Blind man (Mark 9:1-41). This Good Samaritan seems to know what Jesus meant about going through the door. Despised by the Jews, he stopped to help a person desperately needing attention, thus teaching us that people are more important than schedules. God’s unconditional love was shown by his actions. The Priest and the Levite hurried by. When we walk through the Door, we also learn the importance of human life.

Imagine the excitement of the man whom Jesus healed: born blind, but now seeing! He started a new life, seeing and learning. When I meditate on Jesus’ words, “I am the Door,” I discover how much I am loved and cared for by the Great Shepherd. I want to pass this love on to others, inviting them to walk through the door. I learn that people are more important than things. My spiritual eyes are opened, and I see things that I did not know or have not seen before.  

Jesus is the door to new life. May we see it, and walk in, and experience the love, mercy, and grace of the Great Shepherd. Blessings!

Submitted by the Rev. Richard W. Soper
